Acute Respiratory Infection Hubs

What are Acute Respiratory Infection Hubs?

Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) Hubs are designed to relieve pressure on other parts of the local healthcare system. We’re providing this service to make it easier for parents whose children are unwell with suspected respiratory infections and showing symptoms like wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath to access a face-to-face appointment with a clinician, as well as easing the burden on Primary Care, ambulances and A&E.

Who can access the ARI Hubs?

These hubs are available to children aged 15 and underwith symptoms of any respiratory illness, such as wheezing, coughing or shortness of breath, that have lasted for 7 days or under.

How do I access ARI Hubs?

Appointments at the ARI Hubs are available through your GP practice or NHS111 – patients will be referred to the ARI Hubs if the service providing the initial consultation, such as your GP, care navigator or another clinician, finds it necessary. All appointments at the Hubs are face-to-face appointments and will be available on the same day as referral.

If you have any further questions or concerns, your GP Reception team will be happy to help – please get in touch!