Do I have a problem with your memory?
If you, or someone you care about, has been experiencing memory problems recently which are causing you concern then please make an appointment with the practice nurse for a memory test. It is important that a relative or friend attends this appointment with you. Depending on the result of the test you may have to have blood tests arranged and an onward referral to the Early Intervention Dementia Service
Age UK Dementia Advisor Service
The Dementia Advice Service offers information and advice to people who are living with memory loss or dementia, as well as their family and friends. A dementia advisor can arrange to meet with a patient to discuss their current situation and any information that they may need. They can give information about benefits, power of attorney, driving, as well as practical tips on living well with dementia. They will also be able signpost to about other services which can help and, if you wish, contact them on your behalf. The dementia advisor will then continue to be a point of contact for the future. They will be able to give further information and signpost to other services as and when this is required.
Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer’s Society can provide practical advice and support. Please telephone them on 0300 222 11 22 or visit the website below
Admiral Nurses
The Admiral Nurses are registered mental health nurses who specialise in dementia nursing. They offer skilled assessment of the needs of family, carers and people with dementia and provide information and practical advice for family carers on different aspects of caring for a relative/friend with dementia. They work with families at the point of diagnosis and throughout the caring journey, providing emotional and psychological support and guidance about accessing services.
Admiral Nurses can be contacted Monday to Friday between10am- – 2pm on telephone number 0300 123 1734 or email
Young Onset Dementia
The ConnectED project provides meaningful, person centred activities for people with early onset dementia i.e. of working age, and support for their carers. Mentors support users with the aim of stimulating and maintaining their skills and interests and enabling them to engage with their local community and develop social networks.
Onside Independent Advocacy, Williamson House, 14 Charles Street, Worcester, WR1 2AQ.
Al’s Café – Dementia Café Young Onset Dementia
Support group for younger people diagnosed with dementia before the age of 65, their family, friends and carers. Also offer Al’s Cafe for all ages.
Please telephone 01905 621868 for more details of a venue near you.